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Helping Hints for ArcGIS Online Competition

Entries to the ArcGIS Online Competition for US HS+MS need to be either “presentations,” “web apps,” or “story maps.” There are various pointers to each of these, and more all the time. As I encounter more, I will add to this list, and encourage you to reply to this post with other publicly visible helping hints.

AGO Help Doc: Create presentations—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS

Example Presentation:

Web Apps
AGO Help Doc: Create apps from maps—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS
Get Started with Apps: Getting started with Apps, from ArcGIS Online Help
Web AppBuilder: Build powerful apps, from ArcGIS Online Help
Example Web App:
Story Maps
AGO Help Doc: Choose a configurable app—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS

Designing Story Maps to Change Hearts & Minds booklet:

Guidelines on using photos: Photo Guidelines for ArcGIS Online Maps including Story Maps

Photo Guidelines for ArcGIS Online Maps including Story Maps

Today, many options exist for using images in ArcGIS Online, including web mapping applications such as story maps. Choose a method that works best for your situation and needs. I have summarized some key methods in this document, which are a subset of the many methods that are valid. I have included the use of images in ArcGIS Online, Flickr, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Plus, Google Photos, and Google Drive.
2 Rules of thumb:

ArcGIS Online and apps (including story maps) are continually evolving. The photo sharing tools are likewise continually evolving. These procedures are thus subject to change.
To be successful with using photos in ArcGIS Online:
(1) Make sure they are your content, or are in Creative Commons or are not copyrighted, or you have permission to use them.

(2) That the photos are shared with the public.

(3) That the photos are of modest size; i.e. not too large that they will slow down the browser; and not too small that they will be grainy.

(4) That you obtain a URL that can be opened in a separate tab in a web browser. If they can be opened in a separate web browser tab, then they will work in ArcGIS Online.